Tag: home

Say NO to Bug Bites

July 30, 2020 Off

Summertime. Period with many bugs around, flying in the air, and coming in the home through our open window and door. Or, they can even find you when you walk in the garden and bite you. the pain might be unforgettable and unbearable. Say NO to bug bites with our tips that you will find…

By Molly Wilson

Must-See Bike Reuses

July 4, 2020 Off

Your old bike is broken? You feel bad to throw it because it reminds you of your childhood and your parents that taught you to drive? Don’t throw it but reuse it and give it new life! For example, check these must-see bike reuses and try to make some of the crafts at your own…

By Molly Wilson

Enlight Home With Unique Wooden Lamps

June 8, 2020 Off

You finished with interior decor but still, something is missing… Have you thought of adding unique wooden lamps that will enlighten your home? Definitely this is the thing your home is missing, try adding these lamps on the floor or tabletop at home. But first, check the photos to see the perfect designs! Before going…

By Molly Wilson