Beautify Your Home With Nice Plants

Beautify Your Home With Nice Plants

June 7, 2019 Off By Molly Wilson

Hello friends. Today we have a lesson about plants for you, stay with us and learn some useful fact about green nature! We have to show you some amazing ideas about how to grow these plants in an easy and cool way.

Take the pencil in your hands and take a notebook to write the plants and the instructions about the flowers and plants.

Calathea Orbifolia Plant  is nice choice for interior place

We will give you the full instructions about how do you care for Calathea Rufibarba

Keep the soil moist but never soggy. Allow the top 2-3” to dry out before watering. Never let a Calathea Plant sit in waterFeed monthly in the spring, summer, and fall with a basic houseplant food diluted to ½ the recommended strength. It’s easy to take care of this plant but also nice for looking in it each day!

nice plants
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Make cute little jungle with Large Indoor Plants – Pistils Nursery

Pistils Nursery is a thoughtfully curated garden shop and mercantile that specializes in indoor and outdoor plants, home goods and urban farm supply. If you choose this plant for your home you will bring harmony in the place and you will enjoy gardening.

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Backyard Evergreen looks so great

From the interior place we will go to the backyard place and we will give you idea about evergreen plant in this place. This plant you can grow with love and paassion!

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Purple Shamrock plant for lovely home

If you want to grow plants and also to have a nice smell at home choose this plant for a home. Here are the instructions about how to grow the plant.

Place into a container with a drain hole and water well to settle the soil. When the shamrock is indoors, place in a sunny window. The plant can handle more sunlight indoors because the windows filter out some of the light, and the days are growing shorter so there is less light intensity.

Grow it with love and enjoy!

purple plant
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The zebra plant (marantaceae) Calathea Medaillon

How to take care of this plant?
Originating from tropical regions, they like relatively stable temperatures (ideally above 15C) and a well-lit position that does not get direct sunlight (think steamy jungle!). For more information about how to grow this plant at home or garden, visit this link and find useful tips for it.

green plant
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If you found some useful tips for home place and you learned the name of these nice plants, you made a great job! I absolutely agree with you if you decide to grow some of it in your house or exterior place! For more details about our page and posts we share these, go and visit our last post abut nice wall decor design for a modern home place!!! Thanks!